Dance Auditions

Spring Dance 2023
Photo by John Dixon
Admission to the Dance Performance program is competitive and requires
- an application to the program (this link concurrently registers you to audition) with a video audition submission
- a live audition
- an application to ECU.
To enter the program for the 2025-2026 academic year, high school seniors:
Are there other audition opportunities?
ECU’s Dance program will participate in the auditions at Dancewave-Dancing Through College and Beyond, held each October in New York.
What information is required in the online application?
The application requires information about your academic history, test scores and answers to essay questions. You will additionally provide a copy of your transcript, a dance resume, a headshot and a dance video. Please review the application well in advance in order to have enough time to assemble the necessary elements for consideration. Note that if you have not taken SAT or ACT exams yet, enter “NA” in the application portal.
What is the cost to apply to the dance program?
Candidates pay $30 to Acceptd to apply to the dance program. If you have concerns about being able to pay this fee, please contact the Dance program coordinator at Candidates pay additional fees to apply to ECU. Acceptance to both the university and the program are required to pursue a degree in dance.
I cannot attend the live audition. Can I still apply to the dance program?
Yes, although if you are able, we recommend the live audition so that you can work with our faculty face-to-face and dance in our spaces.

Spring Dance 2019
Photo by John Dixon
There will be a virtual group audition on the same day as the live audition. If you are available at that time but cannot travel to Greenville, NC, we recommend participating in the virtual group audition.
If you are unable to attend the group audition in person or virtually, you may choose “audition by video” within the online application. You will then be prompted to explain your reason for requesting audition by video and will be able to upload a video of class combinations (in addition to the solo required of all candidates). This should include up to 10 minutes of additional video compiled from class combinations, including ballet barre [include plié/relevé, tendu/degagé, ronde de jambe en l’air, and grande battement], ballet center, modern and jazz. You should be the only dancer shown in the video.
What options do I have for a major in the dance program?
The BFA offers a concentration in Performance and Choreography.
Within the online application, you will be asked to indicate your intended concentration.
After successful completion of your first year in the program, you may consult with an advisor to determine any additional requirements and apply to change or add a major.
What should I expect at the audition?
The live audition event will start with a brief welcome and overview of the dance program at 8:30 a.m. Family members are encouraged to attend the introduction with you but are not allowed to observe during the rest of the audition day.
In the morning, all candidates will participate in ballet, modern and jazz combinations taught by ECU dance faculty. In the afternoon, all candidates will participate in a group interview, an improvisation session and will learn short combinations. An optional tap audition will be held for those students with an interest and prior experience in tap. Please indicate your intention to participate in the tap audition on your online application. Because you will upload a video of your solo to the online application for review by the faculty, you will not be asked to show a solo at the auditions.
You will have a chance to meet with current dance majors to ask questions and learn about their experiences in the program.
The audition day typically concludes by 3:00 p.m.

Photo by John Dixon
How should I prepare for the audition?
During the audition, the faculty aims to create a supportive yet challenging atmosphere to give you a taste of what dance at ECU is like.
Arrive at the audition well-rested and ready to focus. Although you’ll be asked to participate in ballet, modern and jazz combinations, as well as an improvisation session, we know that many high school students do not have prior experience in all of these forms. That’s okay! Stay focused and try your best with the presented material. Keep a positive attitude about your dancing and other candidates.
There will be no “cuts” during the audition day—everyone is expected to stay and participate during the entire day. We look forward to seeing you dance and learning about your interests.
Women should wear solid color leotards and pink or black tights. Men should wear solid fitted tops and black tights. Pants are acceptable for the jazz and improvisation sections.
Dancers are expected to wear ballet slippers for the ballet audition. Women with extensive experience on pointe may choose to wear pointe shoes, though this is not expected. All dancers should dance barefoot for the modern audition. Dancers who have them should wear jazz shoes for the jazz audition; otherwise, dance barefoot or wear ballet slippers. Those participating in the tap audition should bring tap shoes.
How do I learn more about the program?
Contact Tommi Galaska: 252-328-4916