Lasting Impressions Campaign

The Friends of Theatre and Dance have created a scholarship that will last forever, and you are invited to participate. When you purchase a commemorative Lasting Impressions Campaign paver, the proceeds contribute to an already-endowed scholarship fund. The School uses interest from the fund to award merit scholarships without depleting the principal. This means the fund, and your contribution, will be providing scholarships to deserving students indefinitely.

There are two sizes:

  • A 4-inch by 8-inch brick paver is available at $250. It features up to three lines of text with 20 spaces per line.
  • A 24-inch by 24-inch paver is available at $1,000. It features up to six lines of text with 25 spaces per line.

With your gift, you can honor your class, a professor, a graduate, a loved one, a friend, a family member or yourself.

If you would like to pay by check: Download and print the Lasting Impressions Brick Brochure, complete the form and mail it with a check payable to “ECU Foundation” with “Lasting Impressions Campaign” on the memo line.

If you would like to pay by credit card: Please contact Susan Phillips at 252-328-5363.


* A charitable deduction is limited to the amount by which the contribution exceeds the value of the goods and services received. Consult your tax professional regarding the deductibility of your gift.