Theatre for Youth Auditions

“The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe”
Admission to the program is competitive and requires
- a video audition and application via Acceptd and
- an application to ECU.
To enter the program for the 2024-2025 academic year, high school seniors, transfer students, or current student seeking admission to the Theatre for Youth program should:
What should I know about the program before applying?
The Theatre for Youth BFA Program prepares students for professional work in the highly competitive field of Theatre for Young Audiences as actors, directors, and program and community outreach developers for national and international professional children’s theatre companies.
How do I enter the program as a high school senior?
Apply to ECU and audition for provisional early acceptance into the Theatre for Youth program. In your first year, you must earn a C or better in Introduction to Acting I (THEA 1010) and Voice and Articulation (THEA 2015) in the fall semester, be enrolled in Introduction to Acting II (THEA 1020) during the spring semester and undergo a juried evaluation of work to confirm continuation in the program.
How do I enter the program as an ECU student?
Current ECU students intending to concentrate in Theatre for Youth must earn a C or better in Introduction to Acting I (THEA 1010) and Voice and Articulation (THEA 2015) in the fall semester, and be enrolled in Introduction to Acting II (THEA 1020) during the spring semester in order to be eligible to audition in the spring semester.
What should I do to prepare for the audition?

Rehearsal for
“The Last Stop On Market Street”
Please prepare a video audition two contrasting monologues and/or one monologue and a cutting from a children’s theatre musical (32 BARS). You may either prepare monologues of your own choosing or email for a Theatre for Youth monologue recommendation. In selecting a monologue, you are encouraged to find pieces that are age-appropriate for the Theatre for Youth audience, K-12. Candidates auditioning for both Theatre for Youth and Professional Acting programs should have, as one of their prepared monologues, an appropriate selection for the TYA Theatre for Young Audiences level. Both monologues should not exceed two minutes combined.
Each monologue and/or song should filmed/uploaded as a separate piece of media. Slates should be done at the beginning of each video that includes your name, title of selection, and playwright/composer name.
You will submit video auditions via our Acceptd page by January 2024 – specific date TBD
In-person auditions will be held virtually in February 2024. If you are unable to attend the in-person auditions, there will be a virtual option in February 2024. Auditions will include an interview with faculty.
Is there a cost for auditioning for the program?
ECU requires an application fee. There is also a $30 fee to use Acceptd to submit your audition video. If you have concerns about being able to pay that fee, please contact the head of the Theatre for Youth program, Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson, at
When will I know the results of the audition?
Within two weeks of the callback date, you will receive written notification (email or US mail) of the results of your audition. Your audition will result in one of the following:
- Early provisional acceptance into the Theatre for Youth program.
- Recommended for the program, but not accepted. This status means that we think you have strong potential for development and encourage you to attend ECU and begin coursework in preparation to audition again for acceptance in your freshman year.
- Not recommended for this program.

“Great Kapok Tree”
May I audition for more than one program?
Yes, you may audition for the BFA in Theatre Arts with concentrations in Professional Acting, Musical Theatre, Theatre for Youth and Theatre Arts Education. If you’d like to audition for Musical Theatre, please submit a Musical Theatre audition, and indicate the other concentrations in which you are interested on your application. If you would like to audition for Theatre for Youth and not Musical Theatre, please submit a Theatre for Youth audition and indicate the other areas in which you are interested on your application.
How do I learn more about the program?
Contact Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson: 252-328-1196.